
See Chapter 38 of Chattanooga City Code for specific area and height requirements.


Single-Family Residential

  • R1 (low density residential, with a minimum 7,500 square foot lot size on sewers and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RT1 (although this zone is intended for townhomes, single family dwellings are permitted on a minimum 2,625 square foot lot)
  • RZ1 (high density residential 2,625 square foot minimum lot size and intended for single-family zero lot line dwellings)
  • Single-family dwellings are permitted in all zones except for UGC, M1, M3, and M4.


Two-Family (Duplex) Residential

  •  R2 (medium density residential, 9,500 square foot minimum lot for duplexes and intended for two-family dwellings)
  •  Two-family dwellings are also permitted in R3MD, R3, R4, MXU, R5, C2, C3


Townhome Residential

  •  RT1 (medium density residential, 1,350 square foot minimum lot size and intended for townhouses)
  •  RTZ (medium density residential, intended for single-family zero lot line dwellings and townhouses at 8 units per acre)
  •  RTZ in Urban Overlay (high density residential, intended for single-family zero lot line dwellings, townhouses, and multi-unit (up to 4 dwellings per acre).  3,000 square foot minimum lot size for single-family and zero lot line units; 1,700 square foot lot size for townhouses; and 7,500 square feet for multi-unit).


Multi-Family Residential

  • R3MD (medium-high density residential, 11,500 square foot minimum lot size for triplexes, 13,500 square foot lot for quadplexes and intended for three and four-family dwellings)
  • R3 (high density residential, requiring a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet for the first unit and 2,000 square feet for each additional unit for multi-family dwellings of three or more units)
  • Multi-family dwellings are also permitted in R4, MXU, C2, C4, C5, C7, UGC, PUD.


Mixed Residential

  • PUD (Planned Unit Development Residential, requires a 5 acre minimum site, no minimum lot sizes or widths and intended for all residential types)
  • PUD in Urban Overlay (Planned Unit Development Residential requires a 2 acre minimum site, no minimum lot sizes or widths and intended for all residential types)


Manufactured Home Residential

  •  R5 (low density residential, 7,500 square foot minimum lot size and intended for single wide manufactured homes)


Office & Residential

  • R4 (intended for office and/or multi-family residential; no minimum lot size for office; minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet for the first unit and 2,000 square feet for each additional unit for multi-family dwellings of three or more units
  • O1 (intended for office and/or single-family dwelling with no minimum lot size)



  • C2 (Convenience Commercial, intended for retail, consumer service, financial, restaurant, and office uses)
  • C3 (Central Business, intended for maximum efficient density and diversity of commercial, government, and service enterprises in the downtown area)
  • C5 (Neighborhood Commercial, intended for small commercial and service enterprises that are compatible with nearby residential neighborhoods)
  • C7 (intended to promote development that is consistent with the North Shore Plan)


Shopping Centers

  • C4 (Planned Commerce Center, intended for regional-scale consolidated commercial and office development)


Mixed Use

  • MXU (Mixed Use, intended for medium intensity mixed-use suburban development that is compact, diverse, and urban in character and form)
  • UGC (Urban General Commercial, intended for commercial and mixed-use development while creating a new or maintaining an existing urban form)


Institutional Campus

  • PUD (Planned Unit Development Institutional, requires a 5 acre minimum site, no minimum lot sizes or widths, maximum density of 50 bedrooms per acre, intended for college facilities, dorms, professional offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and residential dwellings)



  • A1 (Urban Agricultural, intended for agricultural uses on 20-acre minimum lot area)



  • M1 (Manufacturing, intended for a wide range of intensive manufacturing uses)
  • M2 (Light Industrial, intended for a wide range of light manufacturing uses at moderate intensities)
  • M3 (Warehouse & Wholesale, intended for a wide range of warehousing, wholesaling, and bulk distribution uses)
  • M4 (Outdoor Industrial Use, intended for a wide range of outdoor industrial or processing activities)

Hamilton County

See Hamilton County Zoning Regulations for specific area and height requirements.



  • A1 (low density residential, intended for agricultural uses and single-family dwellings at 2 units per acre maximum)


Single-Family Residential

  • R1 (low density residential, with a minimum 6,000 square foot lot size on sewers and intended for single-family dwellings)
  • RT1 (although this zone is intended for townhomes, single family dwellings are permitted on a minimum 2,625 square foot lot)
  • Single-family dwellings are permitted in all zones.


Two-Family (Duplex) Residential

  • R2 & R2A  (intended for two-family dwellings with a minimum 9,500 square foot lot size on sewers); Duplexes only permitted with a special permit approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
  • Two-family dwellings are also permitted in R3MD, R3, R5, O1, C5, M1.


Townhome Residential

  • RT1 (medium density residential, with a 1,350 square foot minimum lot size and intended for townhouses)
  • RTZ (medium density residential, intended for single-family zero lot line dwellings and townhouses at 8 units per acre)


Multi-Family Residential

  • R3MD (medium-high density residential, with a 11,500 square foot minimum lot size for triplexes, 13,500 square foot minimum lot size for quadplexes and intended for three and four-family dwellings)
  • R3 (high density residential, with a minimum lot area of 7,500 square feet for the first unit and 2,000 square feet for each additional unit for multi-family dwellings of three or more units)
  • Multi-family dwellings are also permitted in C5.


Mixed Residential

  • PUD (Planned Unit Development Residential requires a 5 acre minimum site, no minimum lot sizes or widths and intended for all residential types)


Manufactured Home Residential

  • R5 (Single-Wide Manufactured Home District, intended for single wide manufactured homes with a 7,500 square foot minimum lot size)
  • MH (Manufactured Home Park District, permits a wide range of residential types, manufactured home parks also require a special permit from the Board of Zoning Appeals, 7,500 square foot minimum lot size for single-family dwellings on sewers, 9,500 square feet for duplexes on sewers, and 7,500 square feet for the first unit and 2,000 square feet for each additional unit for multi-family dwellings of three or more units)


Office & Residential

  • O1 (Office, District, intended for office uses with no minimum lot size, but allows single-family dwellings on 7,500 square foot lots and two-family dwellings on 9,500 square foot lots)



  • C1 (Tourist Commercial District, intended for motels and hotels)
  • C2 (Local Business Commercial District, intended for retail, consumer service, financial, restaurant, and office uses)
  • C3 (General Business Commercial District, intended for retail, consumer service, financial, restaurant, office, and light manufacturing uses)
  • C5 (Neighborhood Commercial, intended for small commercial and service enterprises that are compatible with nearby residential neighborhoods)



  • M1 (Industrial District, intended for the widest range of intensive manufacturing uses)
  • M2 (Wholesale and Light Industry District, intended for a moderate range of light manufacturing, wholesale, and retail uses)
  • M3 (Warehouse & Wholesale District, intended for a wide range of warehousing, wholesaling, and bulk distribution uses)
  • M4 (Outdoor Industrial Use District, intended for a wide range of outdoor industrial or processing activities)