The TPO Multimodal Advisory Committee provides feedback to TPO staff and jurisdictions and guides decision making related to multimodal transportation planning. The committee is made up of TPO Executive Board Members, Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) members and appointed citizens and representatives of non-profit organizations. A representative of the committee is elected to serve on the TCC, which provides recommendations to the TPO Board.

The committee evolved from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force, which became the advocacy organization Bike Walk Chattanooga in 2013. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force previously provided feedback to TPO staff related to inclusion of programs and facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians in planning efforts. An additional impetus for a multimodal committee came during the application selection process for TDOT’s 2013 Multimodal Access Fund.

The primary tasks of the Multimodal Advisory Committee include:

  • Regional Transportation Planning Input, for the long-range transportation plan, theTransportation Improvement Program (4-year /short-term transportation plan), and other transportation studies and plans of the TPO.
  • Grant Application Assistance and Project Evaluation to cities and counties proposing multimodal projects in the TPO region. These programs include federal and state funding opportunities such as Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), Safe Routes to School, TDOT Multimodal Access Grant, and other opportunities as they become available.
  • Coordination with Cities and Counties; the TPO includes four counties and fifteen municipalities in Tennessee and North Georgia. Multimodal Advisory Committee meetings are an opportunity to work directly with agency staff as needed and through any phase of project development.

Tabb Sanford serves as the primary staff person for the Committee. For more information, Please email Jonathan at For a current list of organizations represented on the TPO Multimodal Advisory Committee, click here.