In 2017, The Chattanooga Design Studio began a planning study of the South Broad District, which includes more than 400 acres just south of Downtown Chattanooga. The study area included the U.S. Pipe and Wheland Foundry site, S. Broad Street, Southside Gardens, Market Street, and the area around Howard School. The purpose of the study was to develop a realistic, long term vision for the revitalization of the district. This vision was developed through a public-participatory planning process that involved hundreds of people during the summer and fall of 2017. This study document serves as a summary of the process and recommendations that came out of that process.
The draft planning study may be viewed HERE.
February 26, 2018
Development Resource Center, 1250 Market Street, Downtown Chattanooga
Conference Room 1A
5:00 pm-6:30 pm
The public is invited to attend an open house to review the final draft of the South Broad District Study. The plan provides a future vision and policy guide for the Southside Gardens neighborhood and the industrial properties surrounding the Wheland Foundry site. Project staff will be available to answer questions and gather input on the plan. The South Broad District Study may also be reviewed here.
Adoption of the plan will be on the March 12, 2018 agenda of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission.