Many early bicycle and pedestrian plans for the TPO area date to 2000 – 2010. These years saw the first jurisdiction in the TPO area receive recognition as a bicycle-friendly city by the League of American Bicyclists, as well as recognition for the Regional Planning Agency’s bicycle planning. New sidewalk – streetscapes policies helped encourage more pedestrian-friendly development as well, and the launch of the region’s first bike-share system provided opportunities for all residents and visitors to take advantage of these amenities.
Chattanooga Area Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – 2010
- The Chattanooga Area Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan leveraged previous regional and local bicycle and pedestrian efforts to create a comprehensive plan for walking and bicycling travel in the TPO region. The plan has served as a valuable base for more recent plans and initiatives.
Chattanooga Urban Area Sidewalk – Streetscape Policy Guide – 2003
- The Chattanooga Urban Area Sidewalk – Streetscape Policy Guide was one of the first to highlight the importance of design in creating a safe, navigable community for pedestrians in the TPO area.
Chattanooga Urban Area Bicycle Facilities Master Plan – 2002
- Chattanooga Urban Area Bicycle Facilities Master Plan was one of the first major planning documents to analyse and plan for bicycle transportation throughout the TPO area.
Chattanooga Urban Area Bicycle Task Force – documents & activities
- The Chattanooga Urban Area Bicycle Task Force was a group of citizens, organization representatives, and local officials committed to promoting accessible bicycle transportation in our community. The group, which later refocused to become Bike / Walk Chattanooga and the TPO Multimodal Advisory Committee, was instrumental in many of the early grassroots public engagement programs around biking for transportation in our community. Please see below for information on some of the activities that were conducted by this group, but note that these activities (and any associated offers or invitations) are not ongoing.