TPO: Successful Federal Review

Federal review finds that the TPO’s planning process meets federal requirements with particular acknowledgement given to the TPO’s work in the areas of public participation, transit, and performance-based planning and programming.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recently completed a Transportation Management Area Certification Review of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization.

The 2021 Federal Certification Review found that the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia metropolitan transportation planning process meets federal planning requirements:

Based on this review and evaluation, FHWA and FTA find that the planning process being carried out in the Chattanooga urbanized area meets the requirements of applicable Federal law and 23 CFR 450. Accordingly, FHWA and FTA jointly certify the transportation planning process. This certification will remain in effect until July 6, 2025.

In conducting the Federal Certification Review, the FHWA and FTA identified a series of findings related to the planning process.  Commendations represent areas where the planning process is being carried out to a high level of performance and recommendations represent opportunity areas where the planning process could be strengthened.

The final report describing the review process, observations and findings can be found online at: