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Steep Slopes and Floodplain Next Steps
Please watch this page for updates on the next steps in the process.
Steep Slopes and Floodplain Public Hearing
The Chattanooga City Council held a public hearing on Tuesday, October 30th @ 6:00 p.m. to gather public input related to development on steep slopes and within floodplains.
A video of that presentation can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG_hNvejgBY
(Please note that this will take you to a YouTube page that shows the entirety of the Council’s meeting. The RPA’s public hearing presentation starts at the 4:45 mark.)
A copy of the Public Hearing presentation can be reviewed here:
Additional information will be provided as next steps are identified.
Questions? Contact John Bridger, Executive Director at (423) 643-5900 or jbridger@chattanooga.gov