
The Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) changed its name in August 2024 (we were previously called the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization TPO).  While we are transiting to the new name, please note that where the TPO is mentioned it also means the MPO. 

The Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) performs a wide array of transportation planning activities for the federally-designated MPO area shown on the map below. We coordinate with federal, state, and local governments to facilitate smart investment in our region’s transportation infrastructure over the short and long term. Head to the “About the MPO” page to learn more, and click here to check out some education materials that cover some of the most frequently asked questions about MPO work.

2050 Regional Transportation Plan

The MPO is excited to be working on an update to our Regional Transportation Plan, setting the region’s vision for transportation investment as we look towards the year 2050! Please click here to visit the project website for the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan to learn more and get involved!

MPO Area Map

Public Notices/Input

The MPO encourages participation and input in the transportation planning process.

Hard copies of draft and final documents may be viewed at the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency, 1250 Market Street, Development Resource Center, Suite 2000, Chattanooga, TN 37402. Our office hours are from 8:00 am-4:30 pm (Eastern).

Please direct comments or questions to TPO staff at tpo@chattanooga.gov or (423) 643-5900.