Karen Hundt – Bio

Karen Hundt photo

Karen Hundt

Community Planning and Design Director
With a background in Architecture and City Planning, my focus for over 20 years has been on the physical design of communities - creating vibrant, livable places that address the needs of both the public and private sectors, and complement both the natural and the manmade environment. I’ve had the privilege of working on lots of fun projects in Chattanooga, including the Tennessee Riverpark, Ross’s Landing Plaza, downtown plans and streetscape improvements, the North Shore and Coolidge Park, and the two downtown elementary schools. As the Director of the Community Planning and Design division, my staff and I are now systematically creating 12 Area Plans that will cover all of Hamilton County.

I have also taught some courses in the Environmental Science department at UTC.

When I’m not working, I enjoy traveling and hiking with my husband and two dogs, and rowing on the Tennessee River with the Lookout Rowing Club.

Karen Hundt, AICP-CUD