Complete streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Communities and organizations that adopt a complete streets policy direct their transportation planners and engineers to routinely plan for, design, and operate roads to enable safe access for all users, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation. Designing more inclusive, multimodal roads that accommodate a broader set of users is a priority of the TPO.
TPO Complete Streets Policy
The TPO first adopted a complete streets policy and identified potential complete street corridors and projects as part of the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Through subsequent RTPs, including the current 2045 RTP, complete streets considerations were more thoroughly integrated into project evaluation. Key performance measures used for project evaluation that advance complete streets considerations include (see p. 156 – 159):
- project reduces VMT,
- project improves multimodal access for disadvantaged communities,
- project promotes safe, nonmotorized access to community resources, and
- project fills gap in existing system.
TN Complete Streets Consortium
The TPO along with the Nashville Area MPO, and Knoxville Regional TPO collaboratively
applied for and won an award for the first ever Complete Streets Consortium Series, a technical
assistance program funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and executed by the National Complete Streets Coalition (NCSC), a program of Smart Growth America. The
program brings together three jurisdictions from the same state to identify shared challenges,
barriers, and opportunities for complete streets implementation and develop better strategies for collaborating with their state department of transportation and implementing, funding, and
supporting complete streets. Between September 2017 and January 2018, the NCSC conducted three workshops and three webinars with teams from each region and prepared a next steps recommendations report. The TPO is responsible for submitting one-month, six-month, and one-year progress reports:
Related Links
- City of Chattanooga Complete Streets Ordinance: external link
- City of East Ridge Complete Streets Resolution: external link
- TDOT Multimodal Design Guidelines: external link
- TDOT Multimodal Design Guidelines training presentation
- Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning
- Transit
- TPO Multimodal Advisory Committee
- GreenTrips program