Planning for bicyclists and pedestrians ensures that our community has a range of healthy, affordable, and enjoyable travel options. The Chattanooga-Hamilton County / North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization (TPO)’s award-winning Community-to-Region Performance Framework highlights the importance of providing the right transportation infrastructure for the scale and type of transportation need being addressed. Short trips can frequently be made by bicycle or on foot, helping reduce traffic congestion, the need for parking, and air pollution while promoting public health and providing a fun way for individuals to get around our community.

Rather than continuing to update a standalone bicycle and pedestrian plan, the TPO has integrated bicycle and pedestrian planning into the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Some sections specifically related to bicycle and pedestrian planning include:

  • Bicycle & pedestrian crashes (Section 5.3.2 – document page 91) analyzed as part of the TPO’s goals of improving overall safety and security of our transportation system.
  • Multimodal Mobility & Travel Demand Management (sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3, starting on document p. 121) as part of the overall analysis of land use, environment, and health.
  • An Accessibility analysis for Transportation Disadvantaged & Environmental Justice Areas (section 5.6.2., starting on document p. 149).
  • Section 7 of the RTP (“Investment Summary,” document p.179) details how projects were ranked and gives a general overview of investment areas and programmatic set-asides (funding for a particular program or purpose that is available for smaller-scale investments that do not yet have a defined project scope and sponsor), including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. A summary of bicycle and pedestrian expenditures is available on document p. 183 (“Bicycle And Pedestrian … ”), and bicycle/pedestrian projects included in the project list are shown on a map in figure 54 (“Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects in the 2045 RTP Update” on document p. 187).


Additional information can be found in the 2045 RTP project list and appendices C and D below.

2045 RTP Project list

The RTP includes investment strategies that, among other things, improve multimodal accessibility. Please note:

  • The project list is organized primarily by state and the year funding for the project or phase of the project is expected to be available (the funding tier).
  • Bicycle and pedestrian projects include those with a “Bicycle / Pedestrian /Complete Streets” category or project name of “TPO Bike-Ped Set-Aside” or “CHA Bike-Ped Set-Aside”.

2045 RTP Project list


2045 RTP Appendix C: Bicycle and Pedestrian Inventory and Analysis

Appendix C of the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan provides more detail on many of the analyses of the bike and pedestrian projects mentioned above, including:

  • Different types of infrastructure that you might encounter in our community (C2)
  • Updates to the inventory of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the TPO area (C3 – C4)
  • Bicyclist and pedestrian crash data (C4 – C8)
  • The level of stress for cyclists in theTPO area (C9 – C12)
  • Areas with potential for trips to shift from automobile to biking (C13 – C15)
  • Analysis of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure network gaps  (C16 – C17)
  • Analysis of transportation infrastructure and affordability in Environmental Justice and Transportation Disadvantaged areas (C17 – C23).

2045 RTP Appendix C: Bicycle and Pedestrian Inventory and Analysis


2045 RTP Appendix D: Programmatic Set-Asides

As mentioned above, some projects are grouped together under the name “Bike-Ped Set-Aside”. This classification provides funding for bicycle/pedestrian/complete streets projects that may be used in various locations within the TPO area. For examples of the bicycle / pedestrian projects in this category, please refer to pp. D5 – D11 in Appendix D of the 2045 RTP.

2045 RTP Appendix D: Programmatic Set-Asides



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