The Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is excited to embark on the planning process for the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan! This plan will update our region’s transportation investment vision for the next 20+ years. Sign up for our email distribution list now to make sure you stay in the loop about the RTP!
About the RTP
The RTP is a long range transportation plan that looks at a 25 year horizon. It includes an analysis of current regional trends as well as projections for what to expect in the future. It also documents existing conditions of our transportation system and forecasts what will be needed to ensure that this system can continue to move people and goods smoothly and safely.
Developing and updating the RTP is one of the primary responsibilities of the TPO.
The 2050 Regional Transportation Plan is the latest update to our region’s long-range transportation plan. Every five years, the RTP is updated in order to reassess investment priorities, update our analysis of trends and projections in the region, and plan for new transportation investments over a 20 year horizon. Click the link above to visit the 2050 RTP project website to learn more about the plan and get involved in the process!”
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